Hello to Everyone,
Spring has arrived in all her glorious, green and vibrant energy! The birds are in full call and so busy making nests and the flowers are bursting through, such a lovely time of year.
News from my Mindfulness in Nature with the Tewksbury Nature Reserve

It has been a privilege to work with people in this Project and share Mindfulness in this wonderful space, that is teeming with life, even in the flooded areas. We saw swans, moorhens, egrets and a heron, plus frogspawn and the vast skyscape, full of blue with purple clouds, reflected beautifully in the standing flood water. We enjoyed the sunshine, warm on our back, and heard the river trickle in some places, and rush headlong in others. The wind swayed with the willow trees and tickled our hair, and as we noticed and listened, the birdsong filled the airwaves, pushing traffic noise away, as we chose to focus on the melodious notes all around us.
Nature gives us so many ways to soothe and calm our over active thoughts, settle tired bodies and increase well being.
Spend time in Nature and tap into the seasons energies: feel how they are reflected in our natural rhythms, make time to gaze at the sky, notice the ribbons of white hawthorn buds that are spilling out across so many hedges around fields, smell the sweet fragrance of violets hidden low on the ground, be delighted by the last of the daffodils spreading yellow patterns, feel the warmth of Spring on the breeze, and feel this quicken deep within your energies. Let Nature be your guide.
The Retreat Day and Healing Sound Bath at Hellens Manor, 1st March
We gathered in the Haywain barn and our day unfolded with slow meditations and playful mindful movement that made us laugh out loud! With time to explore the beautiful gardens and a healing Sound Bath to close the day, we attuned to the Spring energies and let Winters silent forces gently slip away as the day unfolded. It was a delight to share this time with all the attendees and their kind feedback was lovely to hear.
Feedback (1st March 2024 - Retreat Day)
“Calming, liberating; time to slow the pace, reflect and reconnect to self. Replenishing. Close to Nature, lovely venue and gardens."
"Relaxing, easing pain, enjoyed very much the movement part."
"Good to have a day just for me."
I am excited to be sharing several collaborative Mindfulness Days in the coming summer months. Have a look at the posters for the details and make sure you book your place now.

Mindfulness and Yoga Saturday
15th June 2024
A special day of Mindfulness and Yoga, myself and Clare Johnson will be engaging in opening to the glorious pinnacles of the summer light, in the beautiful setting of Garway Village Hall 15th June. A day of harnessing the heady summer energies and connecting to the earth’s grounding presence.

A Day of Natural Wellbeing
20th June 2024
I am part of a unique day of offers, with a range of Well Being practitioners and experts, exploring how Being in Natures Treasure Chest can Restore, Renew and Replenish, building and developing our well health and resilience. This is a special day in the beautiful and evocative setting of Stockton Bury Gardens, with limited spaces.

Mindfulness and Healing Sound Retreat
13th July 2024
A Mindfulness and Healing Sound Bath Retreat Day on 13th July in Vowchurch in the Golden Valley with myself and Soesen of Edan Sound.
A day to connect deeply to the rhythms of Summers energies and light, exploring the deep well of nourishment within our own restorative stillness, that nurtures our resilience and well being. With the healing Sound Bath to perfectly complement the day, book onto this Retreat Day, it is a gift to yourself.
Find support and grounding when you join my regular online Mindful Drop Ins, every other Wednesday evening, 7pm-8pm. Give yourself the gift of a regular practice to steady and re-align with the calmness within you that gets easily overlooked and stretched. Find the details in the link.
Cost: £10 per person (or pre-book 4 sessions for £35)
I hope you will be able to join me in some of my Mindfulness events, giving yourself the time to be kindfully present in the now.
With kindest everythings,

What I Offer...
Get in touch

Mindfulness crept into my life about 12 years ago after I completed a Mindfulness Based Reduction for Stress Course [MBSR], offered by my workplace, a Hospice. The teachings touched a need in me to want to experience life in a calmer and more enjoyable way; to find ways to be present helpfully to the way my life was unfolding rather than engage in battling with the automatic behaviours with repeating conflicting thoughts and emotions, with all the attendant emotional and physical fallouts.
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