Welcome everyone to this May Newsletter and I guess we are all hoping for the warmth of late Spring to begin to seep into our days and bones. Summer is beckoning, mainly from the side lines, but perhaps it was ever thus, everything always in flow, as the planet adjusts and adapts to the circumstances it finds itself in.
As we hope to exchange wellies for sandals soon, my excitement grows about the various events I will be part of in the coming summer months. Have a look at the posters that are in this newsletter and make sure you book your space now!
When learning and using mindful skills to navigate our busy life as well as is possible, you can try the mindful intervention of S.T.O.P.
Step back when anxious/stressed/similar
Take a slow breath in and out
Observe your thoughts, feelings and sensations and soften into them, let them go
Proceed into the next moments with this mindful awareness

I am delighted to be returning to
this summer.
Find me in the
8th and 9th June
Hellens Manor
Follow the links below to book!
Mindful Skill For You
I heard something the other day which felt a powerful tool when becoming aware of the loud and scary thoughts of ‘you can’t do that, what if it all goes wrong or fails’. I know how easy it is to become overwhelmed, an inertia that holds us kind of frozen. So ,we can say to ourselves when we hear ‘the what if’ narrative, hear it and then change it to ‘Even if xyz happens, I will be ok, I will have learnt something new/different/more valuable’. See if this is helpful for you.
And here are some short mindful meditations from Sona and Vidyamala of Breathworks that you may find helpful.
One-Minute Breathing Space - with Vidyamala Burch
Breathing Anchor with Imagery - with Sona Fricker
Breathing Anchor with Less Guidance - with Vidyamala Burch
On-Line Drop In... Monthly Drop-in via ZoomÂ
A regular 1 hour (7:00pm - 8:00pm), sharing mindful time and practices to balance and ground in a busy life.
Cost: £10 per person per session.
​Pre book deal: 4 sessions for £35.
Up coming sessions:
15th May 2024
​12th June 2024
​17th July 2024
​14th August 2024
Give yourself the gift of a regular practice to steady and re-align with the calmness within you that gets easily overlooked and stretched.
Find the details in the link.
I wish you a light filled May and look forward to seeing you at my Mindful events. As always, if you have any questions, please do contact me. I sign off with the following poem and image which particularly speaks to me at the moment.
With kindest every-things,
What I Offer...
Get in touch

Mindfulness crept into my life about 12 years ago after I completed a Mindfulness Based Reduction for Stress Course [MBSR], offered by my workplace, a Hospice. The teachings touched a need in me to want to experience life in a calmer and more enjoyable way; to find ways to be present helpfully to the way my life was unfolding rather than engage in battling with the automatic behaviours with repeating conflicting thoughts and emotions, with all the attendant emotional and physical fallouts.  