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Mindful Gail August Newsletter

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

Hello Everyone,


The wonderful months of summer are flying past, with light filled evenings, and redolent blossoms of Nature that fill the senses. It is also a time of uncertainty with domestic and world happenings and unrest, and countries electing new leaders, all around us. We led the way and changed our government, and time will tell if things will unfold differently.

I find the following poem of comfort and solace when my spirit falters in the face of so much change:

when the world

goes mad

become wildly kind

to everyone




my love,

~ you can’t control


but you control how

you treat others

in these breaking news

heartbreaking times

when nothing feels


let your raw kindness

be a certainty

allow your compassion

to become a North Star

stamped up in

the sky for

others to follow

back home

~ john roedel


Mindful Tip:


Buzzing like a bee to reduce stress and anxiety. See my video on how using the sound, b,zzzzzz, on the out breath, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, releasing tension as oxytocin comes on board, the balance to adrenaline and cortisol. A simple, self empathetic skill to ground and balance in the busy-ness of life. Watch the video here!


Mindful Events:

Monthly On-Line Mindful Drop In, next one 17th September, 7-8pm. Drop me a message via the link to join us. Just £10 per session or £35 for four booked sessions.




Wellbeing Morning

Saturday 5th October


Little Birch Village Hall

A morning of taking care of yourself, to boost, renew and refresh your mind, body and spirit.

Join Gail Calthrop, Mindfulness Practitioner, and Martina Mula, Holistic Massage Practitioner, and enjoy a mindful walk and wander in Nature, aligning with the thrum and rhythms of  Nature all round us. Learn self massage techniques and skills to nurture, soothe and relax the body and soul, which you can practise for your benefit at home. Rest into mindful meditations to calm your thoughts, body and being, and take home with you short, helpful mindful interventions and activities to help make lifes' moments as best as possible.

(Edit: we had an issue with our booking form which has now been fixed!)


Weekend Retreat

With life so often twired, tired and wired, this is the Retreat for you: a weekend of compassionate awareness to develop and support your wellbeing within the spaciousness of your heart.
‘Giving a space for a mindful invitation to become present with a contemplative and kindly approach to oneself, within a supportive and calm environment.
We are not stepping out of our life, rather stepping into whatever arises in the moment, giving ourselves compassionate and generous attention, allowing a trusting of the unfolding moment by moment experience.

Discount prices available for 2 weeks, until 9th September.

Mindful Courses/Offers from Breathworks:

Breathworks is offering a Mindfulness in Nature self paced course. Have a look at the offer here:



Well worth having a watch. Enjoy.



I wish you all summer filled days of warmth and joys and holidays that renew and refresh you.


With kindest of summer greetings,




What I Offer...


Get in touch

Mindfulness crept into my life about 12 years ago after I completed a Mindfulness Based Reduction for Stress Course [MBSR], offered by my workplace, a Hospice. The teachings touched a need in me to want to experience life in a calmer and more enjoyable way; to find ways to be present helpfully to the way my life was unfolding rather than engage in battling with the automatic behaviours with repeating conflicting thoughts and emotions, with all the attendant emotional and physical fallouts.  

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