Wellbeing Morning
Saturday 5th October 2024
9:30am - 12:30 pm
Click here to BOOK!
A morning of taking care of yourself, to boost, renew and refresh your mind, body and spirit.
Mindful Self Care and Well Health Session
Join Gail Calthrop, Mindfulness Practitioner, and Martina Mula, Holistic Massage Practitioner, and enjoy a mindful walk and wander in Nature, aligning with the thrum and rhythms of Nature all round us. Learn self massage techniques and skills to nurture, soothe and relax the body and soul, which you can practise for your benefit at home. Rest into mindful meditations to calm your thoughts, body and being, and take home with you short, helpful mindful interventions and activities to help make lifes’ moments as best as possible.
There will be a number of lying, sitting and movement meditation practices, with time to reflect and rest, to absorb and be, in a supportive and warm environment.
This session is suitable for people new to mindfulness and those that wish to strengthen their mindful practice.
We will provide drinks, various types of chairs and floor space. Please bring a yoga mat and a cushion for your head if you would like to lie down for some of the practices, and wear loose, comfortable clothing.
What you will need to bring
A yoga mat
A blanket
Cushions/blocks for your head and to support under your knees if needed
Suitable clothing and shoes/boots for walking in the woods
This morning is suitable for
Those who wish to learn how to use the sense of touch as caring and healing self massage skills, and to explore and develop mindfulness approaches and meditations, to increase their wellbeing.
The nature of the morning is often deeply contemplative for people and may not be suitable for people who are experiencing acute mental health episodes and similar conditions. Please contact me to discuss any queries regarding this.
Find out more about Acqua Dolce Therapies:
Martina Mula Founder of Acqua Dolce Therapies and a registered massage therapist
Martina believes in a holistic approach, looking at body and mind as
interconnected systems.​​​