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Mindful Gail Newsletter November 2023

Hello Everyone,

What a betwixt and between this time is at the moment. Autumn very slowly loosening her coat of many colours and the cold winds and frosts arriving along with crispy, starry nights.

It is a tumultuous time for so many of us on a local, home front and on the worldwide front. Perhaps we can remember what Mary Oliver wrote:

it is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world


INVITATION by Mary Oliver

Oh do you have time to linger for just a little while out of your busy

and very important day for the goldfinches that have gathered in a field of thistles

for a musical battle, to see who can sing the highest note, or the lowest,

or the most expressive of mirth, or the most tender? Their strong, blunt beaks drink the air

as they strive melodiously not for your sake and not for mine

and not for the sake of winning but for sheer delight and gratitude – believe us, they say, it is a serious thing

just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world. I beg of you,

do not walk by without pausing to attend to this rather ridiculous performance.

It could mean something. It could mean everything. It could be what Rilke meant, when he wrote: You must change your life.

This does not diminish or invalidate how or what we feel; it can allow us to catch the ‘whirlwind rush of our attention’ and pause, acknowledge, in this moment, ‘this is how I feel,’ soothe into the distress we feel, and let go.

(Images from recent beautiful all-day practice at Hellens Manor)

Mindfulness Fact:

Mindfulness is often associated with relaxation, and whilst it can be at times, mindful skills and tools can create a way of living that reduces anxiety and stress, creating clarity, allowing in all the moments that nourish and nurture us. The diagram below may illustrate this for you.


Mindful Article:

I came across this article about meditation and mindfulness and how the research is showing how helpful and life enhancing it can be in our lives. It has a great video in it from an American doctor, ‘train your mind, heal your heart’. Enjoy.




Feb 9th from 9.30-12.30.

Join me as we settle into the moment, softly exploring and experiencing the subtle invitation of becoming mindfully present in kindness and compassion.

Fee: £30 to include drinks


When the excitement of Christmas and New Year dies down and the thrum of our inner spirit feels low, you can look forward to the call of Spring.

On this Mindful All Day Retreat, we will share relaxing and nurturing mindful practices, soften into the immersion of healing sound, and attune to the inner emerging rhythms of Spring.

Soesen Edan, founder of Edan Sound, is joining us, a certified Sound Therapist, helping people to heal, deeply relax and rejuvenate with the power of sound. Soe Sen will be leading an immersive and deeply resonating Sound Bath within the day.

​The supportive space we create and give to ourselves on this day, will reduce anxiety, calm overthinking minds, boost our well health and strengthen our resilience and well-being.


This is an opportunity to ‘drop into being’, a gift of reflection and pause, so necessary to recharge and nourish ourselves, within this busy life we lead, and from the comfort of your home.

Join me every other Wednesday evening, 7pm-8pm, a little oasis of quiet, reflective and nourishing space.

Next dates coming up...

  • Wednesday 22nd November

  • Thursday 7th December [note change of day as a one off]

  • Wednesday 20th December.

Cost: £10 per person (or pre-book 4 sessions for £30)


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Mindfulness crept into my life about 12 years ago after I completed a Mindfulness Based Reduction for Stress Course [MBSR], offered by my workplace, a Hospice. The teachings touched a need in me to want to experience life in a calmer and more enjoyable way; to find ways to be present helpfully to the way my life was unfolding rather than engage in battling with the automatic behaviours with repeating conflicting thoughts and emotions, with all the attendant emotional and physical fallouts.  

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