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Mindful Gail February Newsletter

Updated: 7 hours ago

Welcome to my February Newsletter.


I had a wonderful time delivering 4 sessions of Finding Calm in Nature at Tewksbury Nature Reserve. It is a perfect example of how Nature thrives among the urban areas and nature will always find a way to continue, whatever the circumstances. We explored the 4 elements of Water, Air, Earth and Fire and how they are felt within us, and are attuned and reflected to us within Nature. When we find that connection, it can improve and boost our well-being and all aspects of our health.

Much of the Reserve was under water during some of our sessions and we were able to use a green space, Queen Margarets Encampment, where we discovered the birds took no heed of traffic on one side and sang so loudly when we listened in just one thicket alone. We determined, through the use of an app, that 7 bird species were singing in that one space and when we focussed on their songs, all other noises faded, and our heart rate dropped and our senses were alive to all around us. We noticed the patterns of the ice covered puddles, the contrasts of blue and dark skies, the warmth of the sunlight on our faces, the soaring red kite and the regal stately swans. The tiny plants growing in the wall crevices, the bejewelled blades of grass and found the appreciation of noticing the usually overlooked, such as the patterns and shapes of trees, the tumbling overgrown blackberry hedges, the squelch of the mud, and when we walked in silence, around the reserve and the camp, our senses came alive, our busy thoughts eased, we dropped into the pace of nature, no need to hurry, just absorb and connect.

The feedback showed me how important being in Nature is for our health. These are some of the comments after the 4 sessions.

It ‘was helpful in quieting the anxious thoughts and releasing muscle attention…grounding in Nature, and taking time for self’ and

‘To slow down to notice Nature’

Helpful with ‘mental health especially anger’.

Introducing ‘the idea of taking time for oneself’


‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.’


Viktor Frankl


This quote, from Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, philosopher, neurologist and psychologist reflects the essence of mindfulness in action. So often we are governed and led by our reactions to the situations and circumstances that arise and cannot change. We cannot stop our reactions, we can learn mindfully how to change how we are with them.


A leading psychologist, Dr Rick Hanson, is a leader in the field of developing mindful self-compassion and self-kindness by using ‘the power of positive neuroplasticity to change our brain and grow our resilience and well-being, no matter what life throws our way.’

I particularly like his quote: ‘ Compassion for yourself is not self-indulgence- it’s what allows you to keep going’. You may like to see what he offers HERE.


Compassionate Hand

For me, inviting self compassion feelings to be part of my moments, especially when it feels difficult, anxious, stressful, allows my reactions to be noticed and felt, and to dissipate rather than I become them, act them out. I invite moments of acknowledging, and validity, ‘this is hard right at this moment, I feel tense/worried/overwhelmed’ and I breathe into the tension that yanks up my shoulders, compresses my jaw and locks my teeth, unfurl my curling fingers and allow the parasympathetic system to come on board, releasing oxytocin which in turn allows the clearer, more perceptive part of my brain to come on board. Biochemically I am encouraging my systems to help me, so even though I haven’t changed my situation or circumstances, [unless I am in acute danger], I am changing my relationship to it.

As Dr Hanson said, it is what allows me to continue to keep going, to not just survive, but grow and thrive in my life. I will often use the following words quietly to myself, ‘ This too, will pass’.

When we practise inviting a softening into our unhelpful habits, we open the awareness to feeling good, better, ok, even joy. We find the balance in the moments of our life that liberate enjoyment, pleasure, calm and contentment.


I want to wear something new,
But not shoes or a dress,
I want to put on some reckless joy that is MUCH too big for me and
So brightly coloured that I become unrecognisable.


JK Kennedy


Mindful Events:

Monthly On-Line Mindful Drop In

Wednesday 12th February 7-8pm:.

Just £10 per session or £35 for four booked sessions.

Join me on-line for our regular checking in, the opportunity to pause and connect to the stillness and ripples of our life with mindful meditations and approaches. It is a chance to step into how we are, giving kind focus and acceptance to whatever is unfolding with our friendly and supportive online community. Drop me a message and I will send you the details.

DAY RETREAT 2nd March 2025

My March All Day Retreat is FULLY BOOKED.

Drop me a message to join the

cancellation list



Next Event: WOW Day on 7th March at Hellens, a celebration of International Womens Day. Have a look at the poster and do book your place. It will be a wonderful empowering and invigorating Day, full of nourishment and replenishing energy. To book your place, Book HERE!


Following on from our morning of Wellbeing last year at Little Birch Village Hall I will be co-sharing a Healing Body Presence Retreat Day, May 3rd. Martina Mules and I will guide you through a day of intentionally inhabiting the body with restorative movement and practices, in Nature and in the Hall. A light lunch is included. Have a look at the details and book your place.

This is the month of love, it’s Valentines day soon. There is a great need for the power and energy of self compassion and self kindness to grow and develop ourselves to the best we can be. You are worth it.



Please contact me if you have any questions or need to know anything more about what I offer.


With all kindness,






I recorded a few meditation videos during Covid and put them onto a YouTube channel. Their content can be helpful now as it was then, so have a look if you would like to follow guided practices. I hope to add to them soon Follow the link HERE!


What I Offer...


Get in touch

Mindfulness crept into my life about 12 years ago after I completed a Mindfulness Based Reduction for Stress Course [MBSR], offered by my workplace, a Hospice. The teachings touched a need in me to want to experience life in a calmer and more enjoyable way; to find ways to be present helpfully to the way my life was unfolding rather than engage in battling with the automatic behaviours with repeating conflicting thoughts and emotions, with all the attendant emotional and physical fallouts.  

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