Welcome to my Spring Newsletter, sharing all things mindful.
This year is shooting by already with Spring underway and hopefully the warmer, more settled weather arriving. For me Mindfulness is all about taking care of ourselves and the following drawing says so much more than I can say. When we focus on giving ourselves tender care and attention, we learn to thrive and not just survive. When we pay kind attention to how we feel and notice our automatic habits with gentle acceptance, we can find the ways that support and help us, and by default those around us.
Remember, when things feel tough, stressful, really tight or fraught, If in Doubt, Breathe out, All the way out’. This activates the endorphin oxytocin and makes the moment as good as is possible which can go into the next moments and so on. Focus on what helps you to thrive, not just survive.
I greatly enjoyed sharing my Mindful All Day Practice in March at Hellens Manor Much Marcle and I am delighted to be sharing my next Mindful All Day Practice, on Sunday 2nd July at Vowchurch Village Hall, HR20RB. This venue is a delightful hall, snuggled into the tiny hamlet of Vowchurch, on the B4348 road to Hay on Wye, about 15 minutes from Hereford. Summer will be with us and this is an opportunity to pause and rest into the quiet space, to enjoy the nearby fields and tracks at lunch time, and to renew and nourish ourselves. BOOK HERE!
A reminder about my 3 Day Weekend Retreat in October in the lovely Hellens Manor venue. Something for you to look forward to later in the year. Book your place now!
What I Offer...
Mindfulness On-Line Drop In... It was lovely to launch my Mindful On Line Drop Ins, every other Wednesday evenings, 7-8pm. This is an opportunity to ‘drop into being’, a gift of reflection and pause, so necessary to recharge and nourish ourselves, within this busy life we lead, and from the comfort of your home. The next sessions are 19th April, 3rd and 17th of May. Click here to register
When life gets tough...Mindfulness Works!
Mindfulness is being taught in a variety of health settings for a wide range of people. It is recommended by the NHS NICE guidelines for use with people with anxiety and depression and the following article compares the use of CBT therapy and mindfulness teachings and treatments, and mindfulness has increased, positive outcomes. It is heartening to see mindfulness being used in mainstream care and treatments.
“Mindfulness is neither relaxation nor in the service of becoming relaxed. While relaxation may be a positive outcome of some mindfulness practices, mindfulness is about attending to and being aware of our experiences, whether they are positive, negative, or neutral. Mindfulness is not about zoning out. In fact, it is referred to in classical teachings as waking up to our experiences and lives. In mindfulness-based programmes, the practice has the intention to better understand the mind and then to train it in the service of living with less suffering and greater joy and ease.”
From “Mindfulness – Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology”
By Christina Feldman
I belong to the Community of Practice, a group from Breathworks, the company I trained with. It is a wonderful resource and support space to find all things mindful. It is free to join and is a treasure trove of Mindfulness.
Finally, if you have ideas, suggestions, wish to join any of the Mindful events, would like to be part of a regular online Mindful Drop-In, please do let me know.
Wishing you joyful Spring vibes!
With kindest everythings,
Get in Touch
Mindfulness crept into my life about 12 years ago after I completed a Mindfulness Based Reduction for Stress Course [MBSR], offered by my workplace, a Hospice. The teachings touched a need in me to want to experience life in a calmer and more enjoyable way; to find ways to be present helpfully to the way my life was unfolding rather than engage in battling with the automatic behaviours with repeating conflicting thoughts and emotions, with all the attendant emotional and physical fallouts.
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