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Blue Hydrangeas

Mindful Practice Morning


Friday 9th February 2024
9.30am - 12.30 pm

Click here to BOOK!

An opportunity to take kind time for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of life.

Venue: 12 Castle street, Hereford HR1 2NL


Cost: £30 includes refreshments

Mindful Self Care and Well Health Session


Introduction to concepts and ideas of mindfulness, lead mindful practices to connect to our inner space of peace and healing, allowing us to develop and grow our resilience and well being.


Explore how a mindful approach can create helpful ways and behaviours to manage the stresses and anxieties of life and discover the inherent joys of the everyday moments that nourish and enrich our well health.


There will be a number of lying, sitting and movement meditation practices, with time to reflect and rest, to absorb and be, in a supportive and warm environment.


This session is suitable for people new to mindfulness and those that wish to strengthen their mindful practice.


The venue is close to the Castle Hotel in Castle Street and there are several carparks close by, 5-10minutes walk.


I will provide drinks, various types of chairs and floor space. Please bring a yoga mat and a cushion for your head if you would like to lie down for some of the practices, and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

What you will need to bring


  • A yoga mat

  • A blanket

  • Cushions/blocks for your head and to support under your knees if needed.


This morning is suitable for


Those who have little or some meditation experience/practice, who wish to explore mindfulness meditations and/or have attended mindfulness courses or similar. This is an opportunity for people who wish to explore and/or deepen their attention to mindful development and awareness of self, with compassion and intuitive wisdom.


The nature of the morning is often deeply contemplative for people and may not be suitable for people who are experiencing acute mental health episodes and similar conditions. Please contact me to discuss any queries regarding this.


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